Originality means:
going back to the origins
-Antoni Gaudí-
People intent - expert in change management
For every organization, it is an all-time duty to adapt to changing requirements coming from outside or inside. Sometimes this happens automatically and unconsciously, at other times support is needed - for individuals, for teams or for the entire organization. Leveraging the expertise of People Intent, my purpose is to co-facilitate the choices to be made at that intersection of human dynamics and change.
In terms of 'how?' I believe in the principle of 'in order to change, first try to understand'. With full appreciation for what is (already) there, I challenge you as a person, team or organization to make those choices that have a significant impact on the future.
I start modestly and have enough patience to tolerate ambiguity. And as a process expert, I am only satisfied with a solid and profound result reflecting your identity and purpose. Innovative and at the same time respecting the essence of the origins.
Organizations are systems in which people often make small miracles possible, but sometimes also - with the best intentions - create a frustrating mess.
Client engagements are triggered by directors or senior leaders who, in the complexity of these human dynamics, like to broaden their horizons and want to know what they don't know. Who have learned that 'working on the system' requires a different mindset and skills than 'working in the system'. And who are willing to share expectations in open partnership and last but not least also are prepared to look in the mirror to adjust their own role where necessary.
In a first exploratory 'discovery' dialogue, the focus is on clarifying mutual expectations and anticipated outcomes. Subsequent collaboration can take a variety of forms. We can work on a per diem basis or with an upfront agreed project fee or provide services on a consultancy subscription basis. The objective is to make an mutual agreement that works best.
Your question?
Our leadership team is mostly operating in fire-fighting mode - we need a shared guiding compass.
In this transition we need everyone's energy, but people are tired of change.
I want a tailor-made trajectory to support a new head of department in making a successful start.
People drop out because of a toxic atmosphere.
In a world of increasing online contacts, I struggle with my role as a manager.
I would like to learn how to inspire my team in a way that maximises autonomy and pride.
Or... something else linked to people dynamics.
In order to facilitate transitions that have a lasting impact, we need to combine broad and deep expertise in many areas. That's why People Intent often collaborates with partners who are professionals in their field. Based on your question, we suggest a team to guarantee the best result.